November 27, 2006

26th November: Buñuel and Mexico at the Tate Modern

26th November: Buñuel and Mexico at the Tate Modern

Jorge Garayo welcoming Arturo Ripstein and Emilio Maille to the discussion on Buñuel at the Tate Modern

Panel following the screening of Nazarin and A Mexican Buñuel: Arturo Ripstein, Ignacio Duran and Emilio Maille

Arturo Ripstein discussing how he met Luis Buñuel

Ignacio Duran and Emilio Maille discussed his documentary on Buñuel

Mr and Mrs Duran with Paz Alicia Garcia Diego and Arturo Ripstein

Arturo Ripstein with Yos Rivas and Monserrat Roig

Gaby Saunders, Yos Rivas and Montserrat Roig de Puig

German Martinez, Yos Rivas and Ignacio Duran at the Corona drinks

Volunteers enjoying themselves after the event